Arcade Roguelike Platformer + Shmup Perfection Let's ...



在App Store 上的「Downwell」

評分 4.8 (24) Downwell is a curious game about a young boy venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots to protect him.

Downwell on the App Store

評分 4.7 (1,725) Downwell is a curious game about a young boy venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots to protect him.

Downwell | App Price Drops

評分 4.7 (1,717) · US$2.99 · iOS Description. Downwell is a curious game about a young boy venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots to protect him.


A game about a young man going down an endless well with gun-boots.

Platform Shooter Game Downwell Now Available On The App Store

We haven't heard much about the game in quite some time but today we can confirmed that Downwell is now available for purchase on the App Store ...


評分 4.1 (8,107) Downwell is a curious game about a young person venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots for protection.


評分 4.1 (8,106) Downwell is a curious game about a young person venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots for protection.


評分 5.0 (7,388) 井下探險是一款有趣的遊戲,講述了一個年輕人僅僅在他槍靴的保護下,下井冒險尋找不為人知的寶藏的故事。一路向下,進入充滿討厭生物和神奇秘密的海岸之中,收集散落在岩石上的 ...

Ojiro Fumoto on X

Downwell has been released on both App Store and Steam! :D ...



兩款偵探冒險遊戲:Weird Park - Broken Tune詭異公園 - 破碎的旋律。誰才是躲在樂園裡的真正兇手?(iPhone/iPAD冒險遊戲)  + Paranormal Agency HD。你是個眼尖的靈異偵探嗎?(iPhone/iPAD/Android益智遊戲)

兩款偵探冒險遊戲:Weird Park - Broken Tune詭異公園 - 破碎的旋律。誰才是躲在樂園裡的真正兇手?(iPhone/iPAD冒險遊戲) + Paranormal Agency HD。你是個眼尖的靈異偵探嗎?(iPhone/iPAD/Android益智遊戲)


A Monster。推倒!推倒!把怪獸推倒!

A Monster。推倒!推倒!把怪獸推倒!
